Environment & Biodiversity

Cycle Arts Renfrewshire and the Cycle Arts Festival link arts and cycling in an innovative engagement process for Renfrewshire.

In the process of doing this we are reframing how we look at our greenspace. Creative work like this intuitively aims to get everyone thinking about the environment not just as we experience it now but as the climate is changing and  significant issues around temperature, flooding and how we use energy all become much more important to us.

Issues of adapting to climate change and recognising that Climate Justice is integral to how we make change – action on climate change needs to be fair and equitable and should counter rather than worsen existing inequalities in society.  We already know that Arts and culture can make issues comprehensible and relevant, reach new people in new ways, create spaces for discussion, help imagine alternative futures, platform voices and offer much needed care and wellbeing support.

So, on these pages we aim to capture some of the dialogues in Renfrewshire linking Arts, Cycling and Climate Change and how we engage with our outdoor spaces creatively and how events outdoors increase our sense of wellbeing and value of place.